
Monday 9 March 2015

Try spending more time with your families!

In the holidays, my dad and my sister picked me up from my aunt's house to take me for a family barbeque.

When we arrived at One tree hill, the barbeque wasn't ready so I went to help my dad and his older brother with the cooking. We cooked meat patties, chicken pieces and sausages. I was bad at cooking because I burnt everything so I took my dads phone and watched some videos on YouTube. After that people started to arrive.

I got bored so I gave the phone to my little sister to play with and I went to play cricket with my cousins. I hit the ball so hard that it went flat. After that the food was ready and we ate some.

I ate a burger with a sausage and a patties. It tasted yum so I finished all my food. My cousin and I went off to the trees and played water fight. I got so wet because he had two bottles to attack me with

One tree hill is where we had the barbeque. One tree hill is half mountain with half a farm. At One tree hill we could see sheep's, cows and chickens. One tree hill is a tall mountain.

It was an amazing time at One tree hill I hope it happens again. soon If I get bored next time I should run around some more and then eat another burger.

WALT: plan our writing by focusing on the important information.
I know this when I write the keywords about my holiday using a brainstorm map.

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